sexta-feira, outubro 05, 2012

Argumentum ad ignorantiam

Um contributo para a educação política dos liberais de pacotilha que nos desgovernam.

Disse, e disse bem, um dos pais fundadores do liberalismo:
    19. Four sorts of arguments. Before we quit this subject, it may be worth our while a little to reflect on four sorts of arguments, that men, in their reasonings with others, do ordinarily make use of to prevail on their assent; or at least to awe them as to silence their opposition. …
    20. II. Argumentum ad ignorantiam. Secondly, Another way that men ordinarily use to drive others and force them to submit to their judgments, and receive their opinion in debate, is to require the adversary to admit what they allege as a proof, or to assign a better. And this I call argumentum ad ignorantiam.
      John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690)
      Pennsylvania State University, Electronic Classics Series, 1999, pp. 682-683

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