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Martin Wolf considera, no esquerdista Financial Times, que Germany is a weight on the world:
- ‘So what, in brief, is happening? The answers are: creeping onset of deflation; mass joblessness; thwarted internal rebalancing and over-reliance on external demand. Yet all this is regarded as acceptable, desirable, even moral – indeed, a success. Why? The explanation is myths: the crisis was due to fiscal malfeasance instead of to irresponsible cross-border credit flows; fiscal policy has no role in managing demand; central bank purchases of government bonds are a step towards hyperinflation; and competitiveness determines external surpluses, not the balance between supply and insufficient demand.
These myths are not harmless – for the eurozone or the world. On the contrary, they risk either trapping weaker member countries in semi-permanent depressions or leading, in the end, to an agonising break-up of the currency union itself. Either way, the European project would come to stand not for prosperity, but for poverty; not for partnership, but for pain. This, then, is a tragic story.’
Mas que culpa tem a Alemanha?
ResponderEliminarO governo alemão não tem culpa de que as indústrias do seu país sejam hiper-competitivas e de que o povo alemão não consuma tanto quanto seria desejável.
O governo alemão, que já tem um elevado défice, não pode pôr-se a gastar à maluca para incentivar o consumo no seu país.
Quero dizer, o governo alemão não tem culpa do superávite do seu país, nem pode fazer grande coisa para o evitar.
Portanto, deixem de insultar a Alemanha.