quarta-feira, janeiro 16, 2013

Ele há relatórios e relatórios …

    Since 2011, the economic slowdown has gradually turned into recession in the EU, as the escalation of debt crises in several Member States led to significant policy shifts toward sharp fiscal consolidation by and large across the EU with adverse effects on aggregate demand. …

    Simultaneously, the social situation is deteriorating, especially in Member States in southern and eastern Europe, as the effect of national automatic stabilisers, which played an important role in keeping up household expenditure and protecting the most vulnerable in the first phase of the crisis, has weakened more recently. …

    Very importantly, the social and employment trends are diverging significantly in dif¬ferent parts of the EU. A new divide is emerging between countries that seem trapped in a downward spiral of falling output, massively rising unemployment and eroding disposable incomes and those that have at least so far shown some resilience – partly thanks to better functioning labour markets and more robust welfare systems, although there is also uncertainty about their capacity to resist continuing economic pressures. …

    "Simultaneously, the social situation is deteriorating, especially in Member States in southern and eastern Europe, as the effect of national automatic stabilisers, which played an important role in keeping up household expenditure and protecting the most vulnerable in the first phase of the crisis, has weakened more recently." …

    "the evidence that minimum wages would impact negatively on jobs even in a severe economic downturn is limited … raising minimum wages has the potential to increase the tax base, as overall employment increases, and reduce the outlays for unemployment benefits and in-work benefits, thereby improving the overall fiscal stance."…

    "… countries with relatively un-segmented labour markets and strong welfare systems have fared better than those with highly segmented labour markets and weak welfare provisions."

São cerca de 500 páginas de qualidade, profundidade e rigor analítico a anos-luz do panfleto do governo/fmi.

1 comentário :

Anónimo disse...

Mas estes ursos não entendem estas coisas básicas que qualquer analfabeto em economia e finanças, como eu, percebe? Claro que percebem mas o objectivo deles, a mando dos 'mercados',Goldman Sachs,FMI/ BCE,é o empobrecimento absoluto dos países mais frágeis para os usarem como reservatórios de trabalho 'escravo'.

They are despicable!