sexta-feira, outubro 05, 2007

♪ Laurie Anderson

Versão condensada e popular de United States Live

O Superman

    “Hi. I'm not home right now.
    But if you want to leave a message, just start talking at the sound of the tone.
    Hello? This is your Mother. Are you there? Are you coming home?
    Hello? Is anybody home? Well, you don't know me, but I know you.
    And I've got a message to give to you.
    Here come the planes.
    So you better get ready. Ready to go. You can come as you are, but pay as you go. Pay as you go.”

Big Science [parte]

    “Hey Pal! How do I get to town from here?
    And he said: Well just take a right where
    they're going to build that new shopping mall,
    go straight past where they're going to put in the freeway,
    take a left at what's going to be the new sports center,
    and keep going until you hit the place where
    they're thinking of building that drive-in bank.
    You can't miss it. And I said: This must be the place.”

Born, Never Asked

    “It was a large room. Full of people. All kinds.
    And they had all arrived at the same building
    at more or less the same time.
    And they were all free. And they were all
    asking themselves the same question:
    What is behind that curtain? You were born.
    And so you're free. So happy birthday.”

Walking & Falling

    “You're walking. And you don't always realize it,
    but you're always falling.
    With each step you fall forward slightly.
    And then catch yourself from falling.
    Over and over, you're falling. And then catching yourself from falling.
    And this is how you can be walking and falling at the same time.”

Let X = X

    “I met this guy - and he looked like might have been a hat check clerk at an ice rink.
    (…) Oh yeah, P.S. I - feel - feel like - I am - in a burning building - and I gotta go.”

1 comentário :

Anónimo disse...

Vasco Pulido Valente fia um raciocínio peregrino... diz no "Sarjeta" de hoje (que não comprei, li no quiosque) que as razões da vitória de Menezes podem estar fora do PSd e não dentro, como toda a gente pensa... reflectiria o descontentamento com a situação e uma vontade de mudança...

Mas eu pergunto... se está fora do PSD.. então pq a população na maioria aprova o governo?

Parem de pensar maquinações e relaxem... o que tem de ser tem de ser... leiam o artigo de hoje de MST no "Disperso"...

Edie Falco